
Letting Go of Negative Emotions
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46:40 - 51:20 (04:40)

The speaker shares about the difficulty of changing one's feelings, but emphasizes the importance of letting go of negative emotions to avoid being trapped by them.

The speaker shares his personal experience of holding on to negative feelings and explains how it can be hard to change the way we feel.
46:40 - 48:29 (01:49)
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Positive Thinking

The speaker shares his personal experience of holding on to negative feelings and explains how it can be hard to change the way we feel. He suggests that when we feel good, we are in a good vibration and will start to feel good.

Letting Go of Negative Emotions
1090 The Law of Attraction, Creating Wealth & Manifesting Abundance w/Bob Proctor
The School of Greatness
In this podcast, the speaker shares how he was able to overcome his sometimes volatile temper through studying and raising his level of awareness.
48:29 - 49:32 (01:03)
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Anger Management

In this podcast, the speaker shares how he was able to overcome his sometimes volatile temper through studying and raising his level of awareness. He posits that anger is a waste of energy and that people who are angry all the time are operating at a lower vibration.

Letting Go of Negative Emotions
1090 The Law of Attraction, Creating Wealth & Manifesting Abundance w/Bob Proctor
The School of Greatness
Learn about the speaker's revelation on how ridiculous it is to get angry and the wasted energy behind it.
49:32 - 51:20 (01:48)
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Learn about the speaker's revelation on how ridiculous it is to get angry and the wasted energy behind it. The speaker ponders on the reason why people get angry.

Letting Go of Negative Emotions
1090 The Law of Attraction, Creating Wealth & Manifesting Abundance w/Bob Proctor
The School of Greatness