
Maximizing player performance
Maximizing player performance in a complicated game like football requires a coordinated approach among physio teams, S&C, and coaches, taking into account the neurology of players' brains and their ability to absorb information under stress, which is usually high during halftime.
The physio, S and C teams along with coaches work together to create the best approach to managing a player's injuries and health.
46:45 - 49:12 (02:27)
The physio, S and C teams along with coaches work together to create the best approach to managing a player's injuries and health. Case studies are conducted to ensure a successful outcome for the players.
ChapterMaximizing player performance
Episode#411 - Eddie Jones - Lessons In Elite Leadership
PodcastModern Wisdom
Concise and consistent communication among staff members is crucial in keeping players focused on a common goal during halftime, especially when they are stressed and have multiple sources of information.
49:12 - 53:04 (03:52)
Concise and consistent communication among staff members is crucial in keeping players focused on a common goal during halftime, especially when they are stressed and have multiple sources of information. This becomes even more important when new players are added to the team.