Learn how to prepare for taxes, avoid credit card debt, and properly invest your money to build long-term wealth.
08:01 - 09:53 (01:52)
Learn how to prepare for taxes, avoid credit card debt, and properly invest your money to build long-term wealth. The first step is figuring out how much you currently have saved and how long those savings can last if you lost all sources of income.
ChapterMaximizing Your Money and Learning the Language of Finance
Episode7 SECRETS To Start Building Long-Term WEALTH! EP 1194
PodcastThe School of Greatness
Surround yourself with successful people or mentors online who can teach you the language and strategies of building wealth, even if you don't have access to a mentor in the real world.
09:53 - 12:22 (02:28)
Surround yourself with successful people or mentors online who can teach you the language and strategies of building wealth, even if you don't have access to a mentor in the real world. Calculate how much you need to set aside per paycheck or month to reach your financial goals by learning from those who have achieved financial success.
ChapterMaximizing Your Money and Learning the Language of Finance
Episode7 SECRETS To Start Building Long-Term WEALTH! EP 1194
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The worst exchange in the world is trading time for money, especially when spending habits are not in line with earnings, and it's important to figure out how to multiply earnings in different ways for optimal financial growth.
12:23 - 15:05 (02:42)
The worst exchange in the world is trading time for money, especially when spending habits are not in line with earnings, and it's important to figure out how to multiply earnings in different ways for optimal financial growth.