
Men's Communication and Dating Approaches
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32:20 - 37:22 (05:02)

In this podcast, the speaker discusses how modern communication through phones may skew people towards being better at online communication and worse at offline communication, leading to men approaching women less than in past decades.

The decrease in men approaching women may be due to the rise of online communication through apps since most social time is spent online; having a conversation is a skill and if men don't converse much then they may not feel confident when approaching women in public.
32:20 - 33:38 (01:18)
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Social Skills

The decrease in men approaching women may be due to the rise of online communication through apps since most social time is spent online; having a conversation is a skill and if men don't converse much then they may not feel confident when approaching women in public.

Men's Communication and Dating Approaches
#206 - Kezia Noble - A Woman's Guide To Attracting Women
Modern Wisdom
The typical masculine traits and the fact that men are the protagonists in the dating market can make it difficult for women to hit the ground running.
33:38 - 36:26 (02:47)
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The typical masculine traits and the fact that men are the protagonists in the dating market can make it difficult for women to hit the ground running. With the me to movement sometimes pushing the domain of what is fair, it can make it challenging for both sides of the aisle.

Men's Communication and Dating Approaches
#206 - Kezia Noble - A Woman's Guide To Attracting Women
Modern Wisdom
The speaker discusses the natural instinct of boys to fight and how it's a societal expectation that they shouldn't approach women.
36:26 - 37:22 (00:55)
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Gender Stereotypes

The speaker discusses the natural instinct of boys to fight and how it's a societal expectation that they shouldn't approach women. They argue that men and women should be able to freely talk to each other without interference.

Men's Communication and Dating Approaches
#206 - Kezia Noble - A Woman's Guide To Attracting Women
Modern Wisdom