
Monetizing content - finding the right model
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47:00 - 51:45 (04:44)

Monetizing content is tricky, subscription-based models might be beneficial but not for everyone. As a content creator, exploring alternative monetization options such as creating exceptional standalone content is crucial when a subscription model isn't the best fit.

Monetizing content is difficult, especially if you're not already in the top tier.
47:00 - 51:45 (04:44)
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Content Monetization

Monetizing content is difficult, especially if you're not already in the top tier. Subscription models like online courses, newsletters, or communities can be a solution, but it doesn't work well for those who aren't already on the top.

Monetizing content - finding the right model
#76 with James Altucher - Making and Losing Millions Over and Over Again
My First Million