The length of a month-long camping trip allows for a focus on relaxation and immersion in varying environments.
1:22:28 - 1:25:41 (03:13)
The length of a month-long camping trip allows for a focus on relaxation and immersion in varying environments. The ability to take time for oneself, focus on literature, and soak in nature at one's own pace is a major draw.
ChapterMonthly Long Camping Trips
Episode#353: Patrick Collison — CEO of Stripe
PodcastThe Tim Ferriss Show
The podcast discusses if there are any mental models or approaches that people can use to develop their own worldviews and internalize thinking for themselves, despite some individuals having a predisposition to independent thinking.
1:25:42 - 1:30:07 (04:25)
The podcast discusses if there are any mental models or approaches that people can use to develop their own worldviews and internalize thinking for themselves, despite some individuals having a predisposition to independent thinking.