The dark triad traits of narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism are characterized by callousness, lack of empathy, and manipulation.
13:05 - 15:18 (02:13)
The dark triad traits of narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism are characterized by callousness, lack of empathy, and manipulation. People actively cultivate these traits to become more successful, but they are also associated with being mean.
ChapterNarcissism and Dating
Episode#278 - Professor W Keith Campbell - The Psychology Of Narcissism
PodcastModern Wisdom
This podcast discusses the idea that some people use narcissism as a tool to attract women due to past negative experiences or lack of success.
15:18 - 18:01 (02:43)
This podcast discusses the idea that some people use narcissism as a tool to attract women due to past negative experiences or lack of success. However, research suggests that people do not date narcissists because they are jerks, but rather the charisma and excitement eventually becomes outweighed by negative traits.