

NEST Founder Tony Fadell on the Importance of Taking Breaks in Your Career
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1:02:27 - 1:08:48 (06:21)

Tony Fadell, founder of Nest and known as the "Father of the iPod", talks about the importance of taking breaks in your career and how it can lead to new ideas and opportunities. He advises people to embrace new chapters in their careers every 8 to 10 years instead of fearing change and losing everything.

Career advice from business executive, Tony Tjan, on the process of job-hopping and making the next move on your career path.
1:02:27 - 1:05:18 (02:50)
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Career Advice

Career advice from business executive, Tony Tjan, on the process of job-hopping and making the next move on your career path.

NEST Founder Tony Fadell on the Importance of Taking Breaks in Your Career
#403: Tony Fadell — On Building the iPod, iPhone, Nest, and a Life of Curiosity
The Tim Ferriss Show
The founder of NEST explains how her experiences living in different places and seeing different ways of living inspired her to create the new design brand.
1:05:18 - 1:08:48 (03:30)
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The founder of NEST explains how her experiences living in different places and seeing different ways of living inspired her to create the new design brand. She also shares her commitment to her mission of sustainable and accessible design.

NEST Founder Tony Fadell on the Importance of Taking Breaks in Your Career
#403: Tony Fadell — On Building the iPod, iPhone, Nest, and a Life of Curiosity
The Tim Ferriss Show