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00:00 - 03:05 (03:05)

The podcast host expresses gratitude to listeners for their support amid a decrease in sponsorships due to the pandemic. The host briefly touches on parting ways with a co-host and implies a quick change in the show's future.

The host of Lights Out podcast announced that Joel has left the show due to differences of opinion on the show's direction.
00:00 - 01:29 (01:29)
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Lights Out

The host of Lights Out podcast announced that Joel has left the show due to differences of opinion on the show's direction. Although the host had no intention of Joel leaving, he's excited about the upcoming projects.

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107: The 1974 Entity Haunting: Doris Bither Claimed She Was Assaulted By Supernatural Forces?
Lights Out
David Spade talks about the launch of merchandise for the Lights Out show and encourages listeners to purchase them or support the show by following on social media.
01:29 - 03:05 (01:35)
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Lights Out

David Spade talks about the launch of merchandise for the Lights Out show and encourages listeners to purchase them or support the show by following on social media.

No specific title
107: The 1974 Entity Haunting: Doris Bither Claimed She Was Assaulted By Supernatural Forces?
Lights Out