Dr. Joan Borysenko talks about the transition, not crisis, of midlife and the importance of not lying to oneself and giving up the need for approval of others to live a long, healthy life.
49:13 - 51:20 (02:06)
Dr. Joan Borysenko talks about the transition, not crisis, of midlife and the importance of not lying to oneself and giving up the need for approval of others to live a long, healthy life.
ChapterParenting Yourself and Living a Long Healthy Life
EpisodeHolocaust Survivor On Forgiveness, Healing Your Past & Living A Happy Life EP 1354
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The speaker encourages listeners to reflect on their own childhood and their ability to parent themselves.
51:20 - 52:54 (01:34)
The speaker encourages listeners to reflect on their own childhood and their ability to parent themselves. They also ask listeners to consider if they would want to marry themselves based on the type of person they attract. Lastly, the speaker briefly mentions their 95th birthday party that occurred a few weeks prior.