
Physical Penetration Testing and Its Importance
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08:35 - 14:43 (06:08)

The importance of physical penetration testing is highlighted as they can identify vulnerabilities that someone might use to get in. This approach is particularly beneficial for government contractors, who may not have the same level of security as the government itself but still need to safeguard sensitive information.

In this episode, solutions architect Jeremiah Rowe shares his experience as a former SIM swapper for a hacker group and the potential dangers of SIM swapping attacks.
08:35 - 10:18 (01:43)
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In this episode, solutions architect Jeremiah Rowe shares his experience as a former SIM swapper for a hacker group and the potential dangers of SIM swapping attacks.

Physical Penetration Testing and Its Importance
125: Jeremiah
Darknet Diaries
The importance of physical penetration testing in detecting vulnerabilities that could lead to a nation-state style attack on a contractor's network or the government's network is highlighted through Jeremiah's attempt to penetrate a remote satellite office that did business for the federal government.
10:18 - 14:43 (04:25)
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Physical Penetration Testing

The importance of physical penetration testing in detecting vulnerabilities that could lead to a nation-state style attack on a contractor's network or the government's network is highlighted through Jeremiah's attempt to penetrate a remote satellite office that did business for the federal government.

Physical Penetration Testing and Its Importance
125: Jeremiah
Darknet Diaries