In this episode, a former intern who was about to leave for good, took a chance encounter to bid farewell and ended up landing a job.
17:36 - 18:21 (00:44)
In this episode, a former intern who was about to leave for good, took a chance encounter to bid farewell and ended up landing a job.
ChapterPitching for Letterman's Show
EpisodeSpike Feresten: The Man Behind Seinfeld's Soup Nazi | Howie Mandel Does Stuff #88
PodcastHowie Mandel Does Stuff Podcast
The story of how a chance encounter led to comedian Paul Virzi's break in the industry, even after the opportunity was allegedly made under the influence of alcohol.
18:21 - 19:27 (01:06)
The story of how a chance encounter led to comedian Paul Virzi's break in the industry, even after the opportunity was allegedly made under the influence of alcohol.
ChapterPitching for Letterman's Show
EpisodeSpike Feresten: The Man Behind Seinfeld's Soup Nazi | Howie Mandel Does Stuff #88
PodcastHowie Mandel Does Stuff Podcast
The pitching process for TV show ideas to Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld involved a lot of pressure and the need to be funny because if they laugh, you get an episode, but if not, you keep pitching until you have something good.
19:27 - 21:46 (02:18)
The pitching process for TV show ideas to Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld involved a lot of pressure and the need to be funny because if they laugh, you get an episode, but if not, you keep pitching until you have something good.