
Portrayal of Toughness in Ancient Eras
The way ancient historical figures are portrayed in stories and media can reveal a lot about the people living during those times and their values towards toughness and resilience. This can be seen in how Greek sources remember Xerxes, who is often depicted as a broken man after his defeat in Greece.
An examination of how themes in ancient stories can reveal the mindset and culture of the society in which they were written.
2:52:15 - 2:56:30 (04:15)
An examination of how themes in ancient stories can reveal the mindset and culture of the society in which they were written. The discussion includes examples such as the story of the Persians looking to relocate to more luxurious areas after acquiring their empire.
ChapterPortrayal of Toughness in Ancient Eras
EpisodeShow 58 - Kings of Kings III
PodcastDan Carlin's Hardcore History
The speaker poses a hypothetical question of whether it's better to live in a time period characterized by tough living, such as the Viking or Spartan eras, or in a more comfortable era like the modern day.
2:56:30 - 2:59:09 (02:39)
The speaker poses a hypothetical question of whether it's better to live in a time period characterized by tough living, such as the Viking or Spartan eras, or in a more comfortable era like the modern day.