92% of all Paycheck Protection Program loans granted full or partial forgiveness according to new data reports, including those for businesses that have thrived during the pandemic such as manufacturing and construction firms.
08:49 - 12:24 (03:35)
92% of all Paycheck Protection Program loans granted full or partial forgiveness according to new data reports, including those for businesses that have thrived during the pandemic such as manufacturing and construction firms.
ChapterPPP Loans Forgiven at High Rate
EpisodeWednesday, January 18, 2023
PodcastUp First
NPR's Up First for Wednesday, January 18th talks about the 92% loan forgiveness rate and how it is expected to increase as more requests are processed.
12:24 - 13:02 (00:38)
NPR's Up First for Wednesday, January 18th talks about the 92% loan forgiveness rate and how it is expected to increase as more requests are processed.