
Providing Free Diapers to People in Need
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00:00 - 02:37 (02:37)

The Portland Diaper Bank provides free diapers to people who are experiencing financial crisis. Last year, the entire fund for the organization was provided by a podcast.

The Portland Diaper Bank, which supplies free diapers for those in financial need, was largely funded by last year's podcast revenues.
00:00 - 02:37 (02:37)
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Portland Diaper Bank

The Portland Diaper Bank, which supplies free diapers for those in financial need, was largely funded by last year's podcast revenues. The host defends the uniqueness of his show, while acknowledging the oversaturated podcast market.

Providing Free Diapers to People in Need
Part One: Dr. Phil Is Even Worse Than You Think And You Probably Think He Sucks
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