

Putin's Goals for Russia and Ukraine
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07:08 - 18:46 (11:37)

Putin's goals for Russia include restoring its economy, exerting control as a dictatorship, and establishing himself as a major historical figure, while preventing Ukraine from joining NATO and maintaining control over Crimea and southeastern corridor to Russia.

US diplomats warned since the 90s that the policy of moving to integrate Ukraine into the NATO command was reckless and provocative, leading Russia to adhere to its red line of no NATO membership for Ukraine and Georgia.
07:08 - 12:56 (05:47)
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US-Russia Relations

US diplomats warned since the 90s that the policy of moving to integrate Ukraine into the NATO command was reckless and provocative, leading Russia to adhere to its red line of no NATO membership for Ukraine and Georgia. Despite objections from the Russians, the US and NATO continued their efforts and induced Russia to adopt shock therapy, leading to devastating effects on their economy and society.

Putin's Goals for Russia and Ukraine
#316 – Noam Chomsky: Putin, Ukraine, China, and Nuclear War
Lex Fridman Podcast
Putin's goals for Russia are to restore it as a great power, control it as a dictatorship, and establish himself and his associates as major figures in Russian history.
12:56 - 18:46 (05:50)
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Putin, Russia, Ukraine

Putin's goals for Russia are to restore it as a great power, control it as a dictatorship, and establish himself and his associates as major figures in Russian history. He also aims to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO and to maintain Crimea and the southeastern passage to Russia.

Putin's Goals for Russia and Ukraine
#316 – Noam Chomsky: Putin, Ukraine, China, and Nuclear War
Lex Fridman Podcast