The host of a comedy show tells a story about Rich Vos hosting a show where other comedians made fun of him in a group chat that projected onto the screen behind him, much to the delight of the audience.
1:07:58 - 1:08:53 (00:54)
The host of a comedy show tells a story about Rich Vos hosting a show where other comedians made fun of him in a group chat that projected onto the screen behind him, much to the delight of the audience.
ChapterRant Against Fame-Seeking Producers
EpisodeEp 424 - Tick and Slug (feat. Robert Kelly)
PodcastMatt and Shane's Secret Podcast
A comedian shares his thoughts on the obsession with fame in the entertainment industry and the experience of being ridiculed by fellow comedians during stand-up performances.
1:08:53 - 1:10:59 (02:05)
A comedian shares his thoughts on the obsession with fame in the entertainment industry and the experience of being ridiculed by fellow comedians during stand-up performances.
ChapterRant Against Fame-Seeking Producers
EpisodeEp 424 - Tick and Slug (feat. Robert Kelly)
PodcastMatt and Shane's Secret Podcast
In this transcript snippet, the speakers engage in an argument about one person being a "mean person" and a lack of empathy.
1:10:59 - 1:12:05 (01:05)
In this transcript snippet, the speakers engage in an argument about one person being a "mean person" and a lack of empathy. The conversation touches on the idea of collecting money for the mob and comparisons to the Iceman.