

RB Testifies about Sexual Abuse by Franklin Dell Church
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33:20 - 41:23 (08:03)

RB testified about the sexual abuse she endured by Franklin Dell Church. She engaged in vaginal, anal, and oral sex with him on multiple occasions and they also sexted while she was still a minor.

Frank-Hundell Church is accused of committing sexual crimes against his three cousins and sister over several years.
33:20 - 36:15 (02:55)
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Sexual Crimes

Frank-Hundell Church is accused of committing sexual crimes against his three cousins and sister over several years. A clear pattern of behavior is exhibited by Church through the continuity and consistency of the crimes committed.

RB Testifies about Sexual Abuse by Franklin Dell Church
Fire Chief Part 1
Real Life Real Crime
The transcript describes a testimony by Sergeant Duett who got involved in investigating Church for child crime due to sexually explicit text messages between RB and Church that RB's mom shared with her.
36:15 - 37:32 (01:17)
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Child Crime

The transcript describes a testimony by Sergeant Duett who got involved in investigating Church for child crime due to sexually explicit text messages between RB and Church that RB's mom shared with her.

RB Testifies about Sexual Abuse by Franklin Dell Church
Fire Chief Part 1
Real Life Real Crime
RB talks about an argument she had with her partner where he asked her to call him "Daddy" and how he would sometimes call her derogatory names during sex or sexting.
37:32 - 39:24 (01:51)
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RB talks about an argument she had with her partner where he asked her to call him "Daddy" and how he would sometimes call her derogatory names during sex or sexting.

RB Testifies about Sexual Abuse by Franklin Dell Church
Fire Chief Part 1
Real Life Real Crime
A testimony in court describes how a 13-year-old victim had oral, anal and vaginal sex with her abuser and had her nipples pierced by the age of 14, leading to shock and anger in those who hear it.
39:24 - 41:23 (01:58)
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Sexual Assault

A testimony in court describes how a 13-year-old victim had oral, anal and vaginal sex with her abuser and had her nipples pierced by the age of 14, leading to shock and anger in those who hear it.

RB Testifies about Sexual Abuse by Franklin Dell Church
Fire Chief Part 1
Real Life Real Crime