

Redefining Career Paths in the Information Age
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32:38 - 38:42 (06:03)

The conventional path of education, getting a job, and working in it for years can be limiting and unfulfilling. In the information age, people are seeking unconventional paths and meaning in their careers.

The Pathless Path and Default Path are two different worlds, one being the script we grow up with and the other being the archetypal alternate routes we can take.
32:38 - 35:20 (02:41)
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Path, Alternate Routes

The Pathless Path and Default Path are two different worlds, one being the script we grow up with and the other being the archetypal alternate routes we can take. The hope is that the Pathless Path will one day be well trodden enough to provide more security and certainty.

Redefining Career Paths in the Information Age
#460 - Paul Millerd - The Tension Between Success And Happiness
Modern Wisdom
The speaker addresses the fear of change that people experience as they try to escape from conventional work and embrace the unconventional path.
35:20 - 38:42 (03:21)
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Unconventional work

The speaker addresses the fear of change that people experience as they try to escape from conventional work and embrace the unconventional path. By sharing their personal experience, the speaker offers guidance on how to navigate this transition and find fulfillment in unconventional work.

Redefining Career Paths in the Information Age
#460 - Paul Millerd - The Tension Between Success And Happiness
Modern Wisdom