The importance of working on oneself to improve communication skills, set goals, and establish personal boundaries to find a healthy relationship is discussed in this podcast.
2:01:44 - 2:03:33 (01:49)
The importance of working on oneself to improve communication skills, set goals, and establish personal boundaries to find a healthy relationship is discussed in this podcast.
ChapterRelationship Deal Breakers and Goal Setting
Episode2 Be Better Ep.11
Podcast2 Be Better
The importance of setting hard limits in dating and adding to the list as you discover more things that you are not okay with in a relationship.
2:03:33 - 2:05:19 (01:45)
The importance of setting hard limits in dating and adding to the list as you discover more things that you are not okay with in a relationship.
ChapterRelationship Deal Breakers and Goal Setting
Episode2 Be Better Ep.11
Podcast2 Be Better
The speaker emphasizes the importance of respecting boundaries in relationships and how ignoring them can cause distress to the other person involved.
2:05:19 - 2:06:23 (01:04)
The speaker emphasizes the importance of respecting boundaries in relationships and how ignoring them can cause distress to the other person involved. It is crucial for people to understand and recognize each other's limits to maintain a healthy relationship.
ChapterRelationship Deal Breakers and Goal Setting
Episode2 Be Better Ep.11
Podcast2 Be Better
The pressure on men to exhibit "masculine" behaviors in relationships can lead to toxic dynamics.
2:06:23 - 2:07:38 (01:15)
The pressure on men to exhibit "masculine" behaviors in relationships can lead to toxic dynamics. It’s important to communicate boundaries and desires clearly, without forcing them on your partner.