

Risks of Running a Nuclear Power Plant with Limited Resources
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13:51 - 19:30 (05:39)

Ukrainian nuclear power plant is being forced to run with limited resources, as Russian troops currently occupy the region. Although experts believe having two UN workers on standby is effective, there is still a risk of a potential radiation disaster for every minute the Russian troops stay.

Ukrainian nuclear experts warn of the dangers of running a nuclear power plant with just one reserve line and reactors feeding power to the grid while Russian troops are present, violating principles of safe operation and raising the risk of a global radiation disaster.
13:51 - 15:40 (01:49)
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Ukrainian nuclear power plant

Ukrainian nuclear experts warn of the dangers of running a nuclear power plant with just one reserve line and reactors feeding power to the grid while Russian troops are present, violating principles of safe operation and raising the risk of a global radiation disaster.

Risks of Running a Nuclear Power Plant with Limited Resources
A Nuclear Power Plant on Ukraine’s Front Lines
The Daily
Ukraine has left two UN workers at a nuclear power plant in the country, creating a security deposit to ensure the plant’s safety.
15:40 - 19:30 (03:50)
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UN, Ukraine, nuclear power plant

Ukraine has left two UN workers at a nuclear power plant in the country, creating a security deposit to ensure the plant’s safety. However, getting a team of monitors into the plant remains a challenge as it is situated in an active front line war zone.

Risks of Running a Nuclear Power Plant with Limited Resources
A Nuclear Power Plant on Ukraine’s Front Lines
The Daily