

Social Anxiety in Different Contexts
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01:57 - 11:17 (09:20)

Social anxiety can manifest differently in different people, and some may excel in social careers despite their condition. While some may struggle with intimate conversations, others may feel less anxiety performing in front of others.

Learn about the causes and treatment of social anxiety disorder, a condition where individuals become overly concerned about being rejected or evaluated harshly by others.
01:57 - 05:01 (03:04)
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Social Anxiety Disorder

Learn about the causes and treatment of social anxiety disorder, a condition where individuals become overly concerned about being rejected or evaluated harshly by others.

Social Anxiety in Different Contexts
Why you feel anxious socializing (and what to do about it) | Fallon Goodman
TED Talks Daily
Despite the name, many people with social anxiety do still socialize and enjoy doing so, but with a small, close group of people as they find one-on-one conversations more anxiety-provoking.
05:01 - 06:49 (01:47)
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social anxiety disorder

Despite the name, many people with social anxiety do still socialize and enjoy doing so, but with a small, close group of people as they find one-on-one conversations more anxiety-provoking. They desire strong and healthy intimate relationships like individuals without mental illness.

Social Anxiety in Different Contexts
Why you feel anxious socializing (and what to do about it) | Fallon Goodman
TED Talks Daily
Despite common misconceptions, social anxiety can affect anyone and manifest in different ways.
06:49 - 11:17 (04:28)
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Social Anxiety

Despite common misconceptions, social anxiety can affect anyone and manifest in different ways. Even successful individuals, like a top-ranked tennis player, can struggle with social anxiety in their everyday life.

Social Anxiety in Different Contexts
Why you feel anxious socializing (and what to do about it) | Fallon Goodman
TED Talks Daily