
String theory and the multiverse
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57:03 - 1:00:51 (03:47)

String theory is a theory of universes that allows for a melding of the Big Bang theory and quantum mechanics into the multiverse theory, where every string theory solution is a universe.

String theory allows for the melding of the theories of general relativity and quantum mechanics, producing the idea of a multiverse with an infinite number of bubble-bath universes being born from Big Bangs happening all the time.
57:03 - 58:55 (01:51)
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String theory allows for the melding of the theories of general relativity and quantum mechanics, producing the idea of a multiverse with an infinite number of bubble-bath universes being born from Big Bangs happening all the time.

String theory and the multiverse
#562: Dr. Michio Kaku — Exploring Time Travel, the Beauty of Physics, Parallel Universes, the Mind of God, String Theory, Lessons from Einstein, and More
The Tim Ferriss Show
In "The God Equation," theoretical physicist Michio Kaku argues for string theory and provides direct and indirect proofs for its existence.
58:55 - 1:00:51 (01:55)
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String Theory

In "The God Equation," theoretical physicist Michio Kaku argues for string theory and provides direct and indirect proofs for its existence. However, despite these proofs, string theory remains a controversial topic in the scientific community.

String theory and the multiverse
#562: Dr. Michio Kaku — Exploring Time Travel, the Beauty of Physics, Parallel Universes, the Mind of God, String Theory, Lessons from Einstein, and More
The Tim Ferriss Show