

Tabloid Journalism and Trust in Media
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21:32 - 25:14 (03:42)

A discussion about the trustworthiness and intentions of tabloid journalism, including the potential consequences of reporting false or exaggerated stories.

During a breakfast with a journalist, Weinstein spent the entire conversation interrupting to yell into his phone and getting angry about a press spat, casting doubt on whether someone like him is aware of how his behavior is perceived on a human level.
21:32 - 22:55 (01:22)
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Harvey Weinstein

During a breakfast with a journalist, Weinstein spent the entire conversation interrupting to yell into his phone and getting angry about a press spat, casting doubt on whether someone like him is aware of how his behavior is perceived on a human level.

Tabloid Journalism and Trust in Media
Part One: It Takes A Village of Bastards to Make a Weinstein
Behind the Bastards
In this podcast episode, the history and evolution of tabloid journalism are discussed in-depth, with a focus on The National Enquirer and its sensational headlines and articles.
22:55 - 25:14 (02:19)
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In this podcast episode, the history and evolution of tabloid journalism are discussed in-depth, with a focus on The National Enquirer and its sensational headlines and articles. The hosts also explore the impact of tabloid journalism on society and politics.

Tabloid Journalism and Trust in Media
Part One: It Takes A Village of Bastards to Make a Weinstein
Behind the Bastards