
Taking Down Child Predators: One Man's Journey
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1:00:57 - 1:06:16 (05:19)

A man describes his journey of taking down child predators and how one of his cases led to the discovery of a sex tourism hotel about to launch. He expresses his emotions about the impact of his work and the thousands of children that have been rescued as a result.

This podcast episode discusses the story of a man who founded an organization to rescue children from human sex trafficking.
1:00:57 - 1:06:16 (05:19)
listen on Spotify
Child Sex Trafficking

This podcast episode discusses the story of a man who founded an organization to rescue children from human sex trafficking. He shares his emotional journey to take down perpetrators who were involved in trafficking children across various countries, including the US.

Taking Down Child Predators: One Man's Journey
Join The Fight Against Modern Slavery w/ Tim Ballard EP 1368
The School of Greatness