

Teaching Kids About Sexual Abuse Prevention
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46:05 - 50:09 (04:03)

Parents are teaching their kids about sexual abuse prevention by educating them on what abuse is, how to identify it, and what to do if someone makes inappropriate advances towards them. By doing so, children can learn to trust people and avoid potential sexual abuse.

The Amber Alert system has recovered close to a thousand kids and is considered the number one way to recover a missing child safely.
46:05 - 47:55 (01:49)
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Amber Alert

The Amber Alert system has recovered close to a thousand kids and is considered the number one way to recover a missing child safely. Timely circulation of their pictures is crucial compared to the milk carton campaigns which circulated pictures years after the abduction.

Teaching Kids About Sexual Abuse Prevention
Stranger Danger!
Stuff You Should Know
A new approach to teaching kids about sexual abuse is to focus on explaining what it is and how to identify it in order to build trust not just with strangers, but with people in general.
47:55 - 49:17 (01:22)
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Child Safety

A new approach to teaching kids about sexual abuse is to focus on explaining what it is and how to identify it in order to build trust not just with strangers, but with people in general. However, it is important to recognize that sexual abuse often occurs at the hands of someone known to the child.

Teaching Kids About Sexual Abuse Prevention
Stranger Danger!
Stuff You Should Know
The idea of body autonomy is about teaching kids that they own their own bodies and have a right to control who touches their body and how.
49:17 - 50:09 (00:51)
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Body Autonomy

The idea of body autonomy is about teaching kids that they own their own bodies and have a right to control who touches their body and how. This is important not just for sexual consent, but also in everyday situations with friends and family.

Teaching Kids About Sexual Abuse Prevention
Stranger Danger!
Stuff You Should Know