The story of Ashley Harris, a free-spirited Texan, who had a premonition of dying young, only to be tragically killed in a premeditated fire started by individuals looking to steal tens of thousands of dollars from the store where she worked.
00:00 - 01:29 (01:29)
The story of Ashley Harris, a free-spirited Texan, who had a premonition of dying young, only to be tragically killed in a premeditated fire started by individuals looking to steal tens of thousands of dollars from the store where she worked.
ChapterThe Ashley Harris Story
EpisodeBlack Friday
PodcastDateline NBC
Ashley worked at Blockbuster Video after high school where she met her boyfriend.
01:29 - 03:28 (01:58)
Ashley worked at Blockbuster Video after high school where she met her boyfriend. They hung out for eight months before starting a relationship.