
The Benefits of Double Inhale Exhale on Heart Health and Stress Response
Double inhale exhale is a method that takes advantage of the relationship between the body, specifically the heart and lungs, and the brain to control the heart rate and reduce stress quickly. This can be achieved by doing a double inhale, followed by a long exhale to rid the body of carbon dioxide, which relaxes the body very quickly.
The sinoatrial node in the heart monitors the rate of blood flow and sends a signal to the brain.
25:08 - 30:19 (05:10)
The sinoatrial node in the heart monitors the rate of blood flow and sends a signal to the brain. In response, the parasympathetic nervous system sends a signal back to the heart to slow it down, and this is why slowing down your breathing can slow down your heart rate and reduce stress.
ChapterThe Benefits of Double Inhale Exhale on Heart Health and Stress Response
EpisodeMaster Stress: Tools for Managing Stress & Anxiety
PodcastHuberman Lab
The double inhale-exhale breathing technique takes advantage of the fact that it helps in inflating and deflating the little sacs of the lungs to effectively remove carbon dioxide from the body, reducing stress levels almost instantly.
30:19 - 40:52 (10:33)
The double inhale-exhale breathing technique takes advantage of the fact that it helps in inflating and deflating the little sacs of the lungs to effectively remove carbon dioxide from the body, reducing stress levels almost instantly. This technique helps in controlling the stress response and reacting to it, by making the brain and mind more available for cognitive functions.