
The Biology of Fear and Trauma
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00:00 - 02:27 (02:27)

This podcast explores the biological mechanisms behind fear and trauma, as well as practical tools to face them. Neuroscience has helped to understand the neural circuits and the ways to extinguish fears, using behavioral and drug therapies and brain machine interfaces.

Learn about the biology behind fear and trauma, including the neural circuits and chemicals in the body that create a fear response.
00:00 - 02:27 (02:27)
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Learn about the biology behind fear and trauma, including the neural circuits and chemicals in the body that create a fear response. Discover practical tools to confront fear and trauma, including recent neuroscience advancements such as brain machine interfaces and exposure therapy.

The Biology of Fear and Trauma
Erasing Fears & Traumas Based on the Modern Neuroscience of Fear
Huberman Lab