

The business of sea level rise
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27:27 - 34:13 (06:46)

The debate around sea level rise has been centered around fixing the immediate problems, but not everybody is focusing on the opportunity that could exist for architects and developers in the aftermath of a big storm.

The podcast delves into the life stories of successful individuals, exploring the tools they have used, the books they have read, and the people that contributed to their success.
27:27 - 30:15 (02:47)
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The podcast delves into the life stories of successful individuals, exploring the tools they have used, the books they have read, and the people that contributed to their success. Additionally, it examines the relationship between our brains and experiences, tackling unusual questions to better understand our lives and realities.

The business of sea level rise
Selects: Why is Venice so wet?
Stuff You Should Know
The Port of Rotterdam is utilizing Rolls Royce technology to move its two rows of large, walled gates in and out of the sea.
30:15 - 31:48 (01:33)
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Port of Rotterdam

The Port of Rotterdam is utilizing Rolls Royce technology to move its two rows of large, walled gates in and out of the sea. This technology is essential for the port's Lido project that consists of two rows of gates, one with 20 gates and one with 21 gates on a curve, which cannot be moved as one big gate.

The business of sea level rise
Selects: Why is Venice so wet?
Stuff You Should Know
The impact of sea level rise on the ecosystem ranges from uncertain to potentially disastrous, as it affects the natural flow of water and sediment buildup.
31:48 - 34:13 (02:25)
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The impact of sea level rise on the ecosystem ranges from uncertain to potentially disastrous, as it affects the natural flow of water and sediment buildup. Sediment buildup can lead to failed septic systems and damaged infrastructure.

The business of sea level rise
Selects: Why is Venice so wet?
Stuff You Should Know