

The Challenges of Modeling the Synapse
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20:37 - 31:42 (11:05)

The dynamics of the synapse change constantly and this presents a challenge for creating accurate models for neurobiology and computation. Understanding the synaptic dynamics is crucial to understanding the functioning of complex networks in the brain.

The use of learning systems in AI and biology has been surprising and essential, although it may take a while for it to be integrated into large networks.
20:37 - 25:02 (04:24)
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Learning systems

The use of learning systems in AI and biology has been surprising and essential, although it may take a while for it to be integrated into large networks. It is assumed that it is simply capturing data which will be useful in the future, but no one knows how it works in biology yet.

The Challenges of Modeling the Synapse
#76 – John Hopfield: Physics View of the Mind and Neurobiology
Lex Fridman Podcast
The brain compresses information into useful chunks to be stored as memories, rather than storing every piece of information that comes in, according to a physicist's viewpoint from 35 years ago.
25:02 - 28:27 (03:25)
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The brain compresses information into useful chunks to be stored as memories, rather than storing every piece of information that comes in, according to a physicist's viewpoint from 35 years ago.

The Challenges of Modeling the Synapse
#76 – John Hopfield: Physics View of the Mind and Neurobiology
Lex Fridman Podcast
The dynamics of the synapse change is going on all the time, but there's a dynamic system in which you can say that the synapses don't change much during a computation.
28:27 - 31:42 (03:14)
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The dynamics of the synapse change is going on all the time, but there's a dynamic system in which you can say that the synapses don't change much during a computation. It is important to consider both the synaptic and system dynamics to model neurobiology.

The Challenges of Modeling the Synapse
#76 – John Hopfield: Physics View of the Mind and Neurobiology
Lex Fridman Podcast