

The Complicated Politics of Abortion in America
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31:56 - 38:18 (06:22)

The Roe v. Wade decision took the issue of abortion off the political table and made it a matter for judges to decide, effectively shutting down any democratic compromise. While some states allow abortion on demand throughout pregnancy, others hope to limit it to the death of the mother, but reaching a consensus is necessary for an abortion-free America.

The abortion issue was taken off the table by Roe v. Wade, leaving it to the decision of judges rather than being resolved democratically.
31:56 - 36:56 (05:00)
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The abortion issue was taken off the table by Roe v. Wade, leaving it to the decision of judges rather than being resolved democratically. The conflicting views on abortion of the Americans make it challenging to reach a consensus in state legislatures.

The Complicated Politics of Abortion in America
An Anti-Abortion Campaigner on the Movement’s Historic Win
The Daily
The pro-life movement faces challenges in reaching consensus as views on abortion differ greatly, but history shows that attitudes and beliefs can change over time.
36:56 - 38:18 (01:21)
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Pro-life movement

The pro-life movement faces challenges in reaching consensus as views on abortion differ greatly, but history shows that attitudes and beliefs can change over time. Persistence is key to achieving success and a defeat is just a temporary setback.

The Complicated Politics of Abortion in America
An Anti-Abortion Campaigner on the Movement’s Historic Win
The Daily