

The Consequences of Childlessness for Aging Populations
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48:14 - 59:00 (10:45)

The societal trend of choosing to not have children, particularly for women, is contributing to the rise of lonely older people in society. This also has implications for environmental and economic sustainability.

High achieving women face challenges finding suitable mates as there are not enough high performing men to go around, and cost of living is also a factor in the decision to have children.
48:14 - 49:39 (01:24)
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High Achieving Women

High achieving women face challenges finding suitable mates as there are not enough high performing men to go around, and cost of living is also a factor in the decision to have children.

The Consequences of Childlessness for Aging Populations
#583 - Stephen J. Shaw - Is Population Collapse A Real Risk?
Modern Wisdom
The cost of living has increased, making it more expensive for young adults to start families.
49:39 - 51:57 (02:18)
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Cost of living

The cost of living has increased, making it more expensive for young adults to start families. Priorities such as finding a nice apartment have caused a delay in the decision to have children.

The Consequences of Childlessness for Aging Populations
#583 - Stephen J. Shaw - Is Population Collapse A Real Risk?
Modern Wisdom
Enforcing people to have less children is not an efficient way to solve environmental problems.
51:57 - 55:17 (03:19)
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Environmental conservation

Enforcing people to have less children is not an efficient way to solve environmental problems. Rather than limiting population growth, we need to find ways to adapt to a growing population of 10 billion people.

The Consequences of Childlessness for Aging Populations
#583 - Stephen J. Shaw - Is Population Collapse A Real Risk?
Modern Wisdom
The cultural trend of childlessness being associated with freedom and environmentalism is causing a humanitarian crisis of lonely old people, particularly those who never had children, who are left to die alone.
55:17 - 59:00 (03:43)
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Social Issues

The cultural trend of childlessness being associated with freedom and environmentalism is causing a humanitarian crisis of lonely old people, particularly those who never had children, who are left to die alone. This needs to be confronted to avoid suffering for the 80% of women who planned on having kids but couldn't and for those who are childless due to cultural pressures.

The Consequences of Childlessness for Aging Populations
#583 - Stephen J. Shaw - Is Population Collapse A Real Risk?
Modern Wisdom