The Curse of Money with Atrium
The curse of money is when you get too much money before you actually know what you're doing, which decreases your odds of success. Justin Khan, founder of and Twitch, raised 10 million dollars for his new venture, Atrium, out of a 90 million dollar valuation, despite not having a clear plan for the company at the time.
Justin Kan's Atrium raised $10 million out of a $90 million valuation but failed to succeed.
16:43 - 18:34 (01:51)
Justin Kan's Atrium raised $10 million out of a $90 million valuation but failed to succeed. The curse of money applied to Atrium where more money before knowing what to do decreases the odds of success.
ChapterThe Curse of Money with Atrium
Episode#54 - Atrium Closing Down, B2B Gifting & Curly Girl Hair
PodcastMy First Million
In this episode, the founder of Zapier shares his goal of creating a company worth at least 10 billion dollars, and the pressure and expectations that come with having an extremely successful company.
18:34 - 19:23 (00:48)
In this episode, the founder of Zapier shares his goal of creating a company worth at least 10 billion dollars, and the pressure and expectations that come with having an extremely successful company. The curse of money and how it leads to unnecessary staffing is also discussed.