The Dark Side of Algorithms with Hannah Fry [Ep. 40]
Algorithms have unconscious bias, created by their makers, who programme the aspect about the algorithms that sways them to come up with certain results. It's in the nature of human beings to be corrupt and exploit others for their gain, therefore algorithms cannot be faultless and will maintain that biased nature aligning with human expectations.
In this episode of the Happy Sad Confused podcast, Alex Garland discusses the biases present in algorithms and how they are created by the people who design them.
21:33 - 26:19 (04:46)
In this episode of the Happy Sad Confused podcast, Alex Garland discusses the biases present in algorithms and how they are created by the people who design them. He also talks about his new show, Devs, and his confidence in mitigating the issues between AI and humans.
ChapterThe Dark Side of Algorithms with Hannah Fry [Ep. 40]
Episode#77 – Alex Garland: Ex Machina, Devs, Annihilation, and the Poetry of Science
PodcastLex Fridman Podcast
The discussion centers around the ethical considerations that coincide with big tech companies creating digital cities, including issues with corruption, exploitation, and the potential for creating a better world.
26:19 - 28:16 (01:56)
The discussion centers around the ethical considerations that coincide with big tech companies creating digital cities, including issues with corruption, exploitation, and the potential for creating a better world.