A true crime podcast that delves into the unsolved case of three radio journalists who were assassinated in Miami and uncovers hints of a much bigger conspiracy.
00:00 - 00:43 (00:43)
A true crime podcast that delves into the unsolved case of three radio journalists who were assassinated in Miami and uncovers hints of a much bigger conspiracy.
ChapterThe Dark World of Alex Jones' Orbit
EpisodePart One: Mike Adams: The Deadliest Fake News Icon You've Never Heard Of
PodcastBehind the Bastards
Dan and Jordan from the podcast Knowledge Fight talk about individuals who have been influenced by Alex Jones' conspiracy theories and have become "orbiters" around him.
00:43 - 02:35 (01:51)
Dan and Jordan from the podcast Knowledge Fight talk about individuals who have been influenced by Alex Jones' conspiracy theories and have become "orbiters" around him. Even though Alex Jones is an abundant source of content, his influence extends to others and this episode focuses on one individual in particular.