
The Different Pressures of Penalty Shootouts
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10:52 - 21:30 (10:37)

The pressure of taking a penalty in a shootout depends on whether you are taking it to keep your team in the competition or to put your team through, as our brains have a bias towards loss rather than reward. Approximately 62% of people score when taking a penalty to keep their team in the competition.

Psychopathic traits such as aggression, risk-taking, and predatorial behavior played a role in the survival of small groups of our ancient evolutionary forefathers, but having too many members with these traits could cause chaos within the group.
10:52 - 14:55 (04:03)
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Psychopathic traits such as aggression, risk-taking, and predatorial behavior played a role in the survival of small groups of our ancient evolutionary forefathers, but having too many members with these traits could cause chaos within the group.

The Different Pressures of Penalty Shootouts
#552 - Dr Kevin Dutton - Understanding The Wisdom Of Psychopaths
Modern Wisdom
Our brains are biased towards loss rather than reward, making the pressure of taking a penalty to keep your team in the competition greater than if you were taking a penalty to put your team through.
14:55 - 18:21 (03:25)
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Sports Psychology

Our brains are biased towards loss rather than reward, making the pressure of taking a penalty to keep your team in the competition greater than if you were taking a penalty to put your team through. Around 62% of people score when taking a penalty to keep their team in the competition.

The Different Pressures of Penalty Shootouts
#552 - Dr Kevin Dutton - Understanding The Wisdom Of Psychopaths
Modern Wisdom
Psychology plays a critical role in penalty shootouts where last-minute doubts or changes can creep in.
18:21 - 21:30 (03:08)
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Psychology, WWII, fighter pilots

Psychology plays a critical role in penalty shootouts where last-minute doubts or changes can creep in. Similarly, some WWII fighter pilots lost their lives because of their laser-like focus on winning the dogfights, causing them to take their minds off the fuel gauges on the journey back.

The Different Pressures of Penalty Shootouts
#552 - Dr Kevin Dutton - Understanding The Wisdom Of Psychopaths
Modern Wisdom