Side shows and freak shows started as small-town entrepreneurial ventures where children with uncommon looks were taken on the road to perform and attract crowds.
23:40 - 26:08 (02:27)
Side shows and freak shows started as small-town entrepreneurial ventures where children with uncommon looks were taken on the road to perform and attract crowds. Side shows and freak shows became a legitimate way of making money and quickly grew in popularity.
ChapterThe Discovery of General Tom Thumb
EpisodeSelects: How Freak Shows Worked
PodcastStuff You Should Know
The podcast discusses how people with unusual conditions were displayed and treated as curiosities for entertainment purposes in the 19th and 20th century, with some being exploited for profit.
26:08 - 28:05 (01:56)
The podcast discusses how people with unusual conditions were displayed and treated as curiosities for entertainment purposes in the 19th and 20th century, with some being exploited for profit.