Thieves who steal thousands of credit card numbers can't simply cash out all the cards at once without getting caught, so they sell them online in small batches.
35:51 - 37:35 (01:44)
Thieves who steal thousands of credit card numbers can't simply cash out all the cards at once without getting caught, so they sell them online in small batches. It's important for consumers to know where these cards are valid to avoid becoming victims of fraudulent charges.
ChapterThe Economics of Stolen Credit Cards
Episode52: Magecart
PodcastDarknet Diaries
In this episode, the hosts discuss the high rate of credit card fraud and the risks involved in buying stolen credit cards.
37:35 - 42:03 (04:27)
In this episode, the hosts discuss the high rate of credit card fraud and the risks involved in buying stolen credit cards. They introduce Jonathan, a web scraper who can track stolen credit cards on the darknet by monitoring skimmed web pages.