

The Emergence of Consciousness and Artificial Intelligence
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52:14 - 58:57 (06:43)

The podcast host and guest discuss how humans and artificial intelligence build greater levels of abstraction and the emergence of deeply human things like consciousness and love from our brains.

The relationship between machine learning and math has captivated both mathematicians and physicists alike for years.
52:14 - 56:29 (04:14)
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Machine Learning

The relationship between machine learning and math has captivated both mathematicians and physicists alike for years. This podcast episode dives into the discussion of how our physical world inherently generates mathematics.

The Emergence of Consciousness and Artificial Intelligence
Jim Keller: Moore’s Law, Microprocessors, Abstractions, and First Principles
Lex Fridman Podcast
In this discussion between Joe Rogan and Lex Fridman, they explore the evolution of abstraction layers and how it pertains to the role of humans in the world.
56:29 - 57:37 (01:07)
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Abstraction Layers

In this discussion between Joe Rogan and Lex Fridman, they explore the evolution of abstraction layers and how it pertains to the role of humans in the world. They question whether humans are the top of the food chain in the long arc of history on earth or if they are just somewhere in the middle.

The Emergence of Consciousness and Artificial Intelligence
Jim Keller: Moore’s Law, Microprocessors, Abstractions, and First Principles
Lex Fridman Podcast
The possibility of building a computer capable of the same computation abilities as the human brain isn't quite clear, with some viewing the brain's functions as magical, while others believe it's a purely physical process.
57:37 - 58:57 (01:20)
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The possibility of building a computer capable of the same computation abilities as the human brain isn't quite clear, with some viewing the brain's functions as magical, while others believe it's a purely physical process. The question of whether we can encode deeply human traits, such as consciousness and love, into super-fast chips remains unanswered.

The Emergence of Consciousness and Artificial Intelligence
Jim Keller: Moore’s Law, Microprocessors, Abstractions, and First Principles
Lex Fridman Podcast