The Ethics of Experimentation in Scientific Research
The technical and ethical costs of experimentation on a molecular level for the creation of vaccines against COVID and other illnesses raises concerns surrounding animal and human involvement. The discussion also touches on the possibility of hacking the simulation.
Experimenting with defense mechanisms like vaccines for COVID-19 and other viruses can be both technically and ethically costly, especially when it comes to studying phenomena at a molecular level that require testing on animals or humans.
20:47 - 23:02 (02:15)
Experimenting with defense mechanisms like vaccines for COVID-19 and other viruses can be both technically and ethically costly, especially when it comes to studying phenomena at a molecular level that require testing on animals or humans.
ChapterThe Ethics of Experimentation in Scientific Research
Episode#132 – George Hotz: Hacking the Simulation & Learning to Drive with Neural Nets
PodcastLex Fridman Podcast
The speaker talks about the impracticality of pipetting solutions and the theoretical aspect of hacking the simulation.
23:02 - 24:29 (01:26)
The speaker talks about the impracticality of pipetting solutions and the theoretical aspect of hacking the simulation. He insists that the goal is to search for exploits and not to literally hack the simulation.