
The Ethics of Sexual Orientation Modification
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24:38 - 35:04 (10:26)

The hosts discuss the ethics of modifying one's sexual orientation and whether it should even be an option given the state of societal homophobia and bigotry towards sexual orientation minorities.

The same drug can be a pro or anti-love drug depending on the context and which couple is using it towards what end.
24:38 - 28:01 (03:23)
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Love Drugs

The same drug can be a pro or anti-love drug depending on the context and which couple is using it towards what end. Certain drugs can enable couples to facilitate a closer relationship, releasing oxytocin in a potent circumstance that can have advantageous knock-on effects for a higher level of love sense.

The Ethics of Sexual Orientation Modification
#268 - Brian D. Earp - The Ethics Of Using Drugs To Fall In & Out Of Love
Modern Wisdom
The pressure to conform sexual minorities into the majority mold is seen as unjust, leading to laws and government programs that discourage it.
28:03 - 30:45 (02:42)
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Sexual Orientation Minorities

The pressure to conform sexual minorities into the majority mold is seen as unjust, leading to laws and government programs that discourage it. However, some individuals may feel that their relationship with God requires them to refrain from same-sex relationships, leading to conflict with the progressive ideal of freedom of choice.

The Ethics of Sexual Orientation Modification
#268 - Brian D. Earp - The Ethics Of Using Drugs To Fall In & Out Of Love
Modern Wisdom
The podcast discusses the ethical implications of individuals changing their sexual orientation and if it is appropriate to do so or if society should instead focus on fixing the wider problem of homophobia.
30:45 - 35:04 (04:18)
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Sexual Orientation

The podcast discusses the ethical implications of individuals changing their sexual orientation and if it is appropriate to do so or if society should instead focus on fixing the wider problem of homophobia.

The Ethics of Sexual Orientation Modification
#268 - Brian D. Earp - The Ethics Of Using Drugs To Fall In & Out Of Love
Modern Wisdom