The Evolution of Marriage
This podcast discusses how marriages have evolved from the "Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy" ideal to a more consumerist approach where partners are expected to self-actualize each other. Additionally, the podcast explores the delicate conversation of moving from seeing other people to forming a permanent relationship.
The idea of marriage has evolved from a sense of economic interdependence to a more self-serving, consumerist ideal where individuals are supposed to optimize their own self-actualization through their partner.
1:18:29 - 1:22:26 (03:57)
The idea of marriage has evolved from a sense of economic interdependence to a more self-serving, consumerist ideal where individuals are supposed to optimize their own self-actualization through their partner.
ChapterThe Evolution of Marriage
Episode#596 - Mary Harrington - Feminism Is No Longer Helping Women
PodcastModern Wisdom
The idea of infinite optionality in dating leads to settling by definition or risk ending up alone.
1:22:26 - 1:24:03 (01:36)
The idea of infinite optionality in dating leads to settling by definition or risk ending up alone. Additionally, a significant percentage of childless women did not plan to remain childless, leading to support groups for women who grieve the children they never had.
ChapterThe Evolution of Marriage
Episode#596 - Mary Harrington - Feminism Is No Longer Helping Women
PodcastModern Wisdom
Nowadays, the idea of settling down has become increasingly unimaginable, as we are constantly surrounded by endless potential partners available at our fingertips, making it difficult to form permanent relationships without feeling like we are always on the back foot.
1:24:03 - 1:27:13 (03:10)
Nowadays, the idea of settling down has become increasingly unimaginable, as we are constantly surrounded by endless potential partners available at our fingertips, making it difficult to form permanent relationships without feeling like we are always on the back foot.