

The Evolution of the Mind and the Self, with Jonnie Penn
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26:52 - 31:38 (04:45)

Jonnie Penn talks about how consciousness and identity work together, and how committing to a certain position makes sense evolutionarily. He also discusses transparency and the odd cascade of thoughts triggered by thoughts.

The inclination to stick to our beliefs and position can be traced back to our ancestral times as it made individuals look reliable, consistent and more predictable; leading to a cohesive tribe.
26:52 - 31:38 (04:45)
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The inclination to stick to our beliefs and position can be traced back to our ancestral times as it made individuals look reliable, consistent and more predictable; leading to a cohesive tribe. With the age of transparency, people may want to know everything one is thinking, but our cascade of thoughts can often lead to perpetual ones triggered by our initial thoughts leading us to an undesired position.

The Evolution of the Mind and the Self, with Jonnie Penn
#477 - Ethan Kross - How To Improve Your Inner Voice
Modern Wisdom