The Fed State vs The Fasted State
The fed state promotes cellular growth while the fasted state promotes cellular repair and clearance. Glucose disposal agents such as metformin and berberine lead to significant reductions in blood glucose, caution must be taken to avoid clearing out already low blood glucose levels.
Glucose disposal agents like metformin and berberine can lead to significant drops in blood glucose levels, making it important to be cautious when experimenting with them and not to clear out glucose that's already low.
1:20:13 - 1:24:16 (04:03)
Glucose disposal agents like metformin and berberine can lead to significant drops in blood glucose levels, making it important to be cautious when experimenting with them and not to clear out glucose that's already low.
ChapterThe Fed State vs The Fasted State
EpisodeEffects of Fasting & Time Restricted Eating on Fat Loss & Health
PodcastHuberman Lab
The fed state promotes cellular growth while the fasted state promotes cellular repair and clearance.
1:24:16 - 1:26:55 (02:38)
The fed state promotes cellular growth while the fasted state promotes cellular repair and clearance. Fasting can trigger increases in cellular processes like AMPK, sirtuins, and ketone bodies.