
The Fire Movement
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09:21 - 15:15 (05:54)

The Fire Movement is a community of people who want to save up a lot of money and live off a small budget. It's often associated with the wealthy, but some people have found success with it at a younger age.

The hosts discuss a Reddit post they saw about the Fatfire subreddit, which features stories about people's income and career success.
09:21 - 09:59 (00:38)
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The hosts discuss a Reddit post they saw about the Fatfire subreddit, which features stories about people's income and career success. One of the hosts also makes a joke about being a ghost.

The Fire Movement
The Easiest Way To Make $10,000/Month, PassionFlix, & More
My First Million
A discussion about the FIRE movement, which is a group of people who aim to save a significant amount of money in order to live off of smaller incomes, and its origins.
09:59 - 11:43 (01:44)
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FIRE Movement

A discussion about the FIRE movement, which is a group of people who aim to save a significant amount of money in order to live off of smaller incomes, and its origins.

The Fire Movement
The Easiest Way To Make $10,000/Month, PassionFlix, & More
My First Million
From earning $300,000 in year one, to reaching a net worth of $5.8 million and a trust fund for his kids worth $1.7 million, a 37-year-old is on track to earning $8 million this year.
11:43 - 13:29 (01:45)
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Personal Finance

From earning $300,000 in year one, to reaching a net worth of $5.8 million and a trust fund for his kids worth $1.7 million, a 37-year-old is on track to earning $8 million this year.

The Fire Movement
The Easiest Way To Make $10,000/Month, PassionFlix, & More
My First Million
The personal injury lawyer business can be quite lucrative, with some lawyers earning millions of dollars per year depending on the outcome of their cases.
13:29 - 15:15 (01:46)
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Personal Injury Law

The personal injury lawyer business can be quite lucrative, with some lawyers earning millions of dollars per year depending on the outcome of their cases. This is evidenced by the prevalence of personal injury lawyer advertisements in top American cities.

The Fire Movement
The Easiest Way To Make $10,000/Month, PassionFlix, & More
My First Million