

The Future of Ad Tech
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2:36:48 - 2:42:49 (06:00)

The current ad tech system is over-engineered and dependent on various vendors that makes it difficult for publishers to navigate. The future of ad tech may be more fragmented, with each piece of technology serving a specific purpose, like in Brave's synonymous ad matching or blind signature.

The Brave browser presents a different approach to browsing the internet that is based on privacy and rewarding content creators.
2:36:48 - 2:39:21 (02:32)
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Brave Browser

The Brave browser presents a different approach to browsing the internet that is based on privacy and rewarding content creators. Its fundamental ideas could reshape the internet if it becomes widely adopted.

The Future of Ad Tech
#160 – Brendan Eich: JavaScript, Firefox, Mozilla, and Brave
Lex Fridman Podcast
Google's differential privacy system is over-engineered and dependent on a method that weakens over time.
2:39:21 - 2:41:20 (01:59)
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Google's differential privacy system is over-engineered and dependent on a method that weakens over time. While other companies like Apple, Brave, and Mozilla are implementing pieces of this system into their ad verification process, Google is not due to potential harm to their own business.

The Future of Ad Tech
#160 – Brendan Eich: JavaScript, Firefox, Mozilla, and Brave
Lex Fridman Podcast
The ad tech system that supports publishers and advertisers is overloaded with bad JavaScript and requires too many vendors for publishers.
2:41:20 - 2:42:49 (01:28)
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ad tech

The ad tech system that supports publishers and advertisers is overloaded with bad JavaScript and requires too many vendors for publishers. Users are in need of a fast and effective browser, so they can support publishers without the need for the ad tech system.

The Future of Ad Tech
#160 – Brendan Eich: JavaScript, Firefox, Mozilla, and Brave
Lex Fridman Podcast