The future of clean energy and the benefits of a continent-sized grid
The cost of clean energy creation and storage is rapidly decreasing, with hydrogen and other fuels potentially becoming a major player in powering industries such as aviation and shipping. Constructing a continent-sized grid in the US could provide the highest reliability grid at the lowest cost with the least carbon emissions, and the majority of fossil fuel-fired power generators could potentially meet or exceed their lifespan if they were to close by 2035 to achieve President Biden's power sector decarbonization target.
Collaboration is key in ensuring a smooth transition from fossil fuels to clean energy amidst climate tragedies.
22:25 - 28:15 (05:50)
Collaboration is key in ensuring a smooth transition from fossil fuels to clean energy amidst climate tragedies. Although the fossil fuel industry is complex and hazardous, it is important to use the generated capital for a good cause while taking advantage of the sector's know-how to make the transition as smooth as possible.
ChapterThe future of clean energy and the benefits of a continent-sized grid
EpisodeHow do we get the world off fossil fuels quickly and fairly? | TED Countdown
PodcastTED Talks Daily
The cost of clean energy is rapidly declining, and building a continent-sized grid would provide the highest reliability grid at the lowest cost with the most clean energy deployment.
28:15 - 33:35 (05:19)
The cost of clean energy is rapidly declining, and building a continent-sized grid would provide the highest reliability grid at the lowest cost with the most clean energy deployment. This could involve bringing power from sunny, wide-open areas to population-dense areas and taking wind power from less populated areas to the coasts.
ChapterThe future of clean energy and the benefits of a continent-sized grid
EpisodeHow do we get the world off fossil fuels quickly and fairly? | TED Countdown
PodcastTED Talks Daily
The fight for climate justice requires bringing together people who have never spoken before and who have always disagreed.
33:35 - 35:45 (02:10)
The fight for climate justice requires bringing together people who have never spoken before and who have always disagreed. Relationship building plays a crucial role in creating system change, and it is often overlooked.