The Future of Hollywood and Media Companies
The quality of the content for a demographic is key for streaming services to thrive, whereas media companies with a broad range of half-quality content will struggle. Big tech companies owning Hollywood could lead to a potential problem regarding censorship, however, we are reaching an end state of digital convergence where content and digital distribution will reach their final state.
The success of streaming services like Disney+ highlights the importance of producing quality content for targeted demographics rather than overwhelming consumers with a broad library of mediocre options.
50:05 - 52:57 (02:52)
The success of streaming services like Disney+ highlights the importance of producing quality content for targeted demographics rather than overwhelming consumers with a broad library of mediocre options. As more companies enter the streaming market, the cost of content production is expected to decrease, impacting profit margins.
ChapterThe Future of Hollywood and Media Companies
EpisodeE34: Wuhan lab leak theory, India's "traceability" law, Coinbase's fact check, Big Tech's Hollywood takeover
PodcastAll-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
The significance of big tech companies like Amazon, Apple, and Google owning Hollywood lies in their combining their influence over the digital distribution of content with their already-existing influence; however, we are reaching a point of digital convergence where big tech may consume Hollywood completely.
52:57 - 58:30 (05:32)
The significance of big tech companies like Amazon, Apple, and Google owning Hollywood lies in their combining their influence over the digital distribution of content with their already-existing influence; however, we are reaching a point of digital convergence where big tech may consume Hollywood completely.