

The Future of Investment Banking and Cryptocurrency
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1:06:25 - 1:10:13 (03:47)

Investment banking may not be a wise career choice as the industry is expected to be largely automated in the future. The new finance industry could be settled where innovation for smart contracts and cryptocurrency thrives.

Bitcoin users can avoid regulators and thieves by looking for local meetups or coordinating a meetup through sites like LocalBitcoins, with a big one coming up in China.
1:06:25 - 1:07:44 (01:18)
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Bitcoin users can avoid regulators and thieves by looking for local meetups or coordinating a meetup through sites like LocalBitcoins, with a big one coming up in China. Although governments attempt to shut down distributed exchanges and file sharing technology, such as BitTorrent, it is still hard to regulate due to various reasons.

The Future of Investment Banking and Cryptocurrency
#244: The Quiet Master of Cryptocurrency -- Nick Szabo
The Tim Ferriss Show
Investment banking jobs are at risk of being automated, while the finance industry may shift towards smart contracts and cryptocurrency.
1:07:44 - 1:10:13 (02:29)
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Investment Banking

Investment banking jobs are at risk of being automated, while the finance industry may shift towards smart contracts and cryptocurrency. Heavy regulation may force innovation to happen outside of the US.

The Future of Investment Banking and Cryptocurrency
#244: The Quiet Master of Cryptocurrency -- Nick Szabo
The Tim Ferriss Show